
Giorgio Nardone, Alessandro Salvini

International Dictionary of Psychotherapy

A comprehensive collection of terms, topics, issues, and techniques in psychotherapy.
editore: Routledge

The International Dictionary of Psychotherapy is a systematized compendium of the numerous psychotherapies that have evolved over the past 30 years. With contributions from over 350 experts in the field, it highlights the diverse schools of psychotherapy, tracing their histories and traditions, while underlining their specific strengths in dealing with human behaviours, feelings and perceptions in the contemporary world. The book traces eight principle paradigms: psychodynamic, behavioural, existential-humanistic, body-expression, systemic-relational, cognitive, interactional-strategic and eclectic. It presents to the expert and non-expert reader an array of models that grew from a specific paradigm, sharing the same fundamental epistemology and therapeutic strategies. This is accomplished through a reader-friendly approach that presents clear definitions of the key constructs of each paradigm, and transversal concepts that are common to the diverse practices of psychotherapy. The International Dictionary of Psychotherapy provides a clear picture of the numerous types of psychotherapeutic treatments and their applications, while offering a close examination of the efficacy and evaluative methods developed as a result of numerous debates and research carried out within the psychotherapeutic community. It represents an essential resource for psychotherapeutic and psychoanalytic practitioners and students, regardless of background or creed.

Roberta Milanese was responsible for the Editing Committee of the Dictionary, curator of the entries on the Interactional-Strategic Paradigm, and author of 16 entries in the same (first- and second-order change; as if – with T. Garcia-Rivera; paradoxical diet; hypnosis without trance; the “be spontaneous” paradox – with C. Hybarger; self-fulfilling prophecy – with T. Garcia-Rivera; strategic treatment protocol – with F. Cagnoni; first- and second-order reality; technique of blocking responses to inhibit questions – with C. Portelli; worst fantasy technique; technique of postponing pleasurable compulsion; trauma novel technique; tuning-in technique; climber technique – with G. Nardone; attempted solution, vomiting).

Dizionario internazionale
di psicoterapia

Una raccolta completa di termini, temi, problematiche e tecniche della cura psicoterapica

International Dictionary of Psychotherapy

A comprehensive collection of terms, topics, issues, and techniques in psychotherapy.

Diccionario internacional de psicoterapia

Una colección completa de términos, temas, problemas y técnicas de la atención psicoterapéutica.

L’eclissi della speranza

Riflessioni sul suicidio e sul lutto di chi rimane

La rivincita dei punti deboli

Dal perfezionista all’insicuro, le strategie per trasformare i nostri limiti in superpoteri


Un’emozione da addomesticare (e cavalcare)

Perdonare se stessi e gli altri

Strategie per fare pace con il passato

La mente ferita

Attraversare il dolore per superarlo

Le mente herida

Atravesar el dolor para superarlo

La mente ferita – Ed. russa

L’ingannevole paura di non essere all’altezza

Strategie per riconoscere il proprio valore

Обманчивый страх не быть на высоте. Стратегии признания собственной ценности

El engañoso miedo a no estar a la altura

Estrategias para reconocer el propio valor

Il cambiamento strategico

Come far cambiare alle persone il loro sentire e il loro agire

El cambio estratégico

Cómo hacer que las personas cambien su forma de sentir y de actuar

Il cambiamento strategico – ed. russa

Alimentación: falsos mitos y engaños del marketing


Alimentazione: falsi miti e inganni del marketing



Per un uso etico e strategico dei farmaci


Pour une utilisation éthique et stratégique des médicaments psychoactifs

Il tocco, il rimedio,
la parola

La comunicazione medico-paziente come strumento terapeutico

Le toucher, le remède, la parole

La communication entre médecin et patient comme instrument thérapeutique

Il tocco, il rimedio, la parola – 2a edizione

La comunicazione medico-paziente come strumento terapeutico

El contacto, el remedio, la palabra

La comunicación médico-paciente como herramienta terapéutica.

Dizionario internazionale
di psicoterapia

Una raccolta completa di termini, temi, problematiche e tecniche della cura psicoterapica

International Dictionary of Psychotherapy

A comprehensive collection of terms, topics, issues, and techniques in psychotherapy.

Diccionario internacional de psicoterapia

Una colección completa de términos, temas, problemas y técnicas de la atención psicoterapéutica.

L’azienda vincente

Migliorare il presente, inventare il futuro: problem solving per le organizzazioni

La empresa triunfadora

Mejorar el presente, inventar el futuro: problem solving para empresas

Aiutare i genitori ad aiutare i figli

Problemi e soluzioni per il ciclo della vita

Ayudar a los padres a ayudar a los hijos

Problemas y soluciones para el ciclo de la vida

Cambiare il passato

Superare le esperienze traumatiche con la terapia strategica

Surmonter les expériences traumatiques du passé avec la thérapie stratégique – Changer le passé


Cambiar el pasado

Superar las experiencias traumáticas con la terapia estratégica

Cambiare il passato – 2a edizione

Superare le esperienze traumatiche con la terapia strategica

Coaching strategico

Trasformare i limiti in risorse

Coaching stratégique

Strategic Coaching

Transforming Limits Into Resources

Coaching strategico – 2° edizione

Trasformare i limiti in risorse.

Coaching estratégico
– 2° edizione

¿Cómo transformar los límites en recursos?

Coaching estratégico

¿Cómo transformar los límites en recursos?

La terapia dell’azienda malata

Problem solving strategico per organizzazioni

Terapia estratégica para la impresa

Soluciones en tiempo breve para resolver problemas en organizaciones

Le prigioni del cibo

Vomiting, Anoressia, Bulimia. La terapia in tempi brevi


Краткосрочная стратегическая терапия при нарушениях пищевого поведения


Краткосрочная стратегическая терапия при нарушениях пищевого поведения

Le prigioni del cibo
-2° Edizione

Vomiting, Anoressia, Bulimia. La terapia in tempi brevi

Prison of food

Research and Treatment of Eating Disorders

Manger beaucoup,
à la folie, pas du tout

Que faire quand on est confronté à une personne anorexique, boulimique, ou atteinte du syndrome du vomissement?

Systemisch Kurztherapie bei Ess-Störungen

Systemisch Kurztherapie bei Ess-Störungen

Las prisiones
de la comida

Afrontar y vencer los trastornos alimentarios de un modo rápido y eficaz